Tartiflette – discovering even more warming mountain food!

11 Feb


Second trip to the ski resort of Isola 2000, second helping of tasty, rich warming melted cheese and potato variation.

It may not be the healthiest,  the amount of reblochon, camembert, and… tartiflette,  an Alpine cheese that is traditionlly used only in this dish of potatoes, onions, creme fraiche and lardons  Basically a more rustic, hearty dauphinoise.


We had a spinach salad with it to justify eating the whole bowls worth. I dread to think how much saturated fat I consumed but you know,  sometimes it’s the only thing that cuts it up on the mountain in -8C conditions, along with a few glasses of vin chaud of course!


2 Responses to “Tartiflette – discovering even more warming mountain food!”

  1. Blazing Guns! February 11, 2013 at 7:51 pm #

    It looks decadent, rich and artery hardening. I need to make this! We still have plenty of winter left in Edmonton – though it’s already +4C today. On a side note: How are the conditions “sur les piste”?

    • travelandtapenade February 11, 2013 at 7:54 pm #

      Haha yes sometimes you just have to go for it! It would be pretty easy to make too, although the tartiflette cheese is a bit of a specialty.
      And… it was snowing here in Nice today (on the Mediterranean so it’s virtually unheard of!) so the lower, southern Alps are getting their fair share of this season’s snow!

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